About us
Then said they unto him, what shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them,
This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
John 6:28-29
Our rich history
Comer Electric was founded by Ted Comer in 1976 and retired after 31 years of service. In 2007, the company was purchased by former Vice President William "Bub" Martin III. Prior to the purchase while working full-time at Comer Electric, Bub earned an Associates Degree from Walters State Community College, a Bachelors Degree from East Tennessee State University, and passed the State of Tennessee contractors exam to become the qualifying agent for the company. During Ted's 31 years of running Comer Electric, he instilled a commitment to quality and customer service that is still true today and will continue.
"Today, our mission is to serve our customers using Christian values and to achieve timely and quality work".
We're big enough to handle any job
With a complete electrical inventory of conduit, wire, fittings, and miscellaneous related electrical supplies in our two storage warehouses and our fleet of twenty vehicles, trust us to handle your project.
Comer Electric employs an average of 30 employees ranging from Master Electricians to Accounting Managers, and everything in-between. The average tenure of our employees is over 10 years.
Comer Electric is licensed in Tennessee and North Carolina, as well as holding many local municipalities in both of those states.